Machine vs. Muscle

It's often that by the time a customer contacts us to clear their land, we find they have have already invested significant time and effort utilizing muscle, chain saws, branch cutters, brush hogs, tractors and any other tool or piece of equipment they can find that will assist in their efforts to reclaim their property.   It's difficult to estimate the amount of time, cuts, bruises and expense the customer has spent and often very little progress to show for all their efforts.

In a matter of moments, once they see our SS Eco Forestry Mulcher in action, they quickly realize they are about to see a tremendous amount of progress in a very short period of time.  One of our most recent customers, Jesse Walters, said it best, "they did more in two (2) days, then I have done in six (6) years!"

We estimate up to a 20% return on the monies invested in our land clearing and land reclamation services.  That's a significant return in just a few days!

Contact us today for more information on how we can assist you in your land clearing or land reclamation efforts at 918-671-9007 or visit us at


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